Can meal replacement shakes help get your weight rebalanced?

Unlike protein shakes, meal replacement shakes offer a variety of health-restoring benefits and are a great substitute for solid foods. They also provide all the nutrition you can get in a full meal. Protein shakes are great but in many cases are loaded with too much sugar and a ton of extra and unwanted calories.

A well-balanced meal shake has between 200-400 calories, 20+ grams of protein, fiber as well as all the essential fats and vitamins you would need. If you’re looking for a healthy way of getting your weight down and fast, there’s probably no better way than with a meal replacement shake. Just be prepared to buy new clothes!

Research indicates that swapping out just one meal a day for a meal replacement can produce substantial calorie deficits, helping to increase weight loss. You can also significantly increase the weight loss by working out in a fasted state and then follow with a meal replacement shake.

One study conducted by the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons also showed that participants who swapped one to two meals per day with a meal replacement lost 5.6 pounds more than those following a conventional reduced-calorie diet after just three months.

As we get older managing our blood sugar levels become even more important. Not doing so leads to a host of issues and then before you know it your medicine cabinet is filled with toxic medicines.

Longevity experts agree that overeating can come with a wide range of potential side effects, especially when it comes to your blood sugar levels. Indulging in high-carb meals and snacks can cause blood sugar to shoot up, resulting in diabetes symptoms like fatigue, increased urination, and unintentional weight loss. All issues that face many of us in our 50’s and beyond. In addition to managing your blood sugar levels, you’ll get all the important nutrients your body needs and they’re easy on the stomach which doesn’t have to work hard at breaking down the food.

I’m no health expert but I know that when I make a really good meal replacement shake I just feel good. I’m not perfect by any means. I love my sweets and wine, but I try and keep those to a minimum unless of course, it’s a special occasion. You got to live a little too!

While it’s best to make your meal replacements right before you drink it, I make mine the night before work and I usually drink it the next morning after a workout. Because I need to get out of the house around 6 am, every minute beyond that adds another 5 minutes to my commute. I need to make it the night before otherwise the noise from the blender gets me in the doghouse. While there are blenders that supposedly are quieter, the key is to get one with plenty of horsepower. It’s worth it to pay a bit more, especially if you plan on using it every day.

At Brandfifty, we’ve partnered with Fitness expert Ann Affinito on a series of videos that highlight different blenders and recipes. Here’s a link to our meal replacement video.  At 53 Ann walks the talk! As a personal trainer and someone who practices what she preaches, Ann explains in short and easy steps how and which ingredients to use for an effective meal replacement smoothie.

Hope you enjoy!

Download easy blender shake recipes here.

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