BF 031 – Lucinda Bakken White


Show Notes

Lucinda Bakken White
Book: Confessions of a bone woman

For much of her adult life, Lucinda immersed herself into the modern mainstream culture and achieved a pinnacle of the American Dream. She did so by pretending to fit but on the inside was miserable.

As a single, affluent, well dressed, attractive woman with advanced degrees, she was able to purchase a home, drive a fancy car and climb her way up through the management ranks of corporate America, by the time she was thirty. Successful by all external measures, her perfect presentation belied how she felt on the inside. Confused and disheartened she came to realize that these things did not make her happy and joyful. She slipped into a debilitating depression that led to thoughts of suicide.

Once she was able to move through this difficult period of her life, she was determined to overcome her fear of not belonging and to slay her deep-seated feelings of loneliness. In the process she discovered her inner self and has written about in her book “Confessions of a Bone Woman”.

Reconnecting with hidden and lost parts of her essential nature was easier said than done. It took her decades to methodically unearth her original self under the plethora of well-crafted masks. But, with the help of teachers, mentors, spiritual guides—and most importantly nature—she reclaimed her “authentic wildness” and her full self-expression. Now, as an Inner Wildness Guide, she lives a deeply fulfilling life helping other women realize their authentic wildness. In this interview she shares her insights and ways she can help you discover your inner voice through her workshops titled “Authentic Wildness Women on a Mission Program.

Show Notes:

  • How she finally made the decision in her 40’s to listen to her inner voice and why it’s important for all of us to listen to our own voices.
  • Life is like an onion, there are many layers to each of our lives and we need to keep going deeper.
  • Your inner authentic self is your youthful childlike self. Your inner-self never dies. Unfortunately, society says what you should have but to be happy you need to learn out to balance your human nature.
  • What did you love to do as a child? There are clues there. If we can spend time in nature we start to connect with what’s on the inside.
  • Human career is about survival and the first part of your life and the second phase is the wisdom which is the most important fulfilling.
  • Be bold and take a risk and trust that people will show up in support of you.
  • Part of getting to know your inner authentic self is doing soul searching, journaling, and listening to your thoughts.
  • Lucinda discusses “Authentic Wildness Women on a Mission Program’ and how she helps women find themselves.
  • For any of us to change we need to change our thoughts and patterns in order to grow and evolve into who we want to be.


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